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How Employers Are Changing Their Approach to Hiring Digital Transformation Talent

​The way employers evaluate potential hires is shifting.

A recent poll conducted here at Conexus revealed that an overwhelming 50% of businesses now consider experience to be the most important factor they look for when hiring new digital transformation talent.

For decades, formal qualifications have been seen as the hallmark of a candidate's suitability for a role. However, our poll's findings suggest that this traditional view is losing ground. With only 13% of businesses placing the highest value on qualifications, it's clear that practical experience has become the new currency in the job market.

Are qualifications are no longer the golden ticket they once were?

Why the Shift?

Companies are increasingly recognising that hands-on experience provides candidates with real-world problem-solving skills, adaptability, and industry-specific knowledge—traits often more favourable than theoretical understanding alone. In fact, the ability to demonstrate tangible achievements in similar roles is often what sets top candidates apart from the competition.

The Growing Importance of Cultural Fit and Soft Skills

Interestingly, our poll also highlighted that less measurable factors, such as cultural fit and soft skills, are surging in importance to employers. As companies strive to build cohesive and dynamic teams, they are looking beyond the CV to determine whether or not a candidate will thrive within their specific work environment.

Cultural fit is about more than just aligning with a company's values—it's about being able to collaborate effectively with colleagues, adapt to the company’s working style, and contribute positively to the overall team dynamic. Soft skills, including communication, emotional intelligence, and leadership potential, are equally vital, as they often dictate a candidate's ability to lead, manage conflict, and interact with clients and coworkers.

The Decline of the Degree

While qualifications and degrees have traditionally been a key focus for job seekers, their value appears to be diminishing in the eyes of employers. In the UK, recent statistics reflect this trend. A 2023 survey by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) found that 60% of employers are now prioritising work experience over academic qualifications when hiring.

It's important for us to note that this shift doesn't mean that degrees are becoming completely obsolete—especially in fields requiring technical expertise. However, for many roles, especially those in fast-paced or rapidly changing industries, experience and practical know-how are becoming increasingly crucial.

How Should I Adapt My Search?

When planning your next career move, it's essential that you align your approach with the evolving priorities of employers. Here are a few tips to help you stand out in today's experience-driven job market:

  • Highlight your hands-on experience in your CV and during interviews. Be prepared to discuss specific projects, challenges you've overcome, and the outcomes you've delivered.

  • Go beyond just listing your skills—provide examples of how you've used them in a professional setting. Leading a team, resolving a conflict and managing a project are all examples of soft skills that can set you apart.

  • Research the culture of the companies you're interested in before applying. Tailor your application to show how you align with their values and work environment.

  • While formal qualifications may now be less important, continuous learning is still crucial. Stay updated with industry trends, take online courses, and seek out opportunities to expand your skill set.

We're here to help you navigate these shifts and guide you toward opportunities that align with your experience, skills, and career goals. Our clients are global brands that understand the value of tech talent. They want to innovate to stay ahead, and they’re looking for the people who’ll help them do that. They could be looking for you.

At Conexus, we'll connect the dots in your career and ensure your next move is the right one.
Our team of DX experts are specialists in the areas of digital transformation. Submit your CV today and we'll be in touch with suitable roles for your future.
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